5 Ways To Use SMS Marketing In Your Business
ShareIf you're a small business owner, you may be looking for new ways to market your brand and its services. One way that you can do this is through text messages. With SMS marketing, you can reach more customers on their phones. With so many people spending time on their phone each day, it's silly not to give it a try. Keep reading to learn ways to use SMS marketing in your business.
1. Advertise Special Events and Promos
You can use text message marketing to share special events and promos with your customers. This can be exciting, especially if it's a new promo or something that doesn't happen often. Make sure that you don't over-text these promos, as it can start to get annoying.
2. Reward Your Customers
You can use SMS marketing to reward customers. When customers add their number to your list, you can send them a coupon code to use in store on their purchase. You can also send out occasional rewards throughout the year to thank them and offer more incentives to buy. Consider doing special discount code texts for holidays or your company's birthday.
3. Personalize Messages
If at all possible, use personalization. This helps to make your marketing message stand out and not look overly commercialized. You can text certain subscribers after they've been on your list for so long or you can event text out on a user's birthday. This offers a more personalized and fun approach and makes it seem like your brand cares.
4. Send Appointment Reminders
Depending on the type of business that you run, it may make more sense to use text message marketing in other ways. For example, you can use this to send out appointment confirmations and reminders. This is a great way to ensure that your clients show up to their appointments in a timely manner. It also can be less annoying than having to answer a phone call.
5. Send Receipts
You can also use this tool to send receipts to the customer's phone. This can waste less paper and is a great way to offer an easier solution for customers who are busy and always on the go.
There are many ways to use SMS services for a small business. You can reach more potential customers and meet the needs of current customers with this tool. Contact a business SMS service provider to learn more about this option and to get started.