Three Things To Display With Your German Military Medal Collection
ShareIf you're a collector of World War II-era German military medals, there are several reasons that you might be dedicated to this hobby. Perhaps you have family ancestors who served in the German military during the war, or maybe you're simply a military history enthusiast and have frequently admired the look of the medals from the Axis side of the conflict. It can be enjoyable to build a collection of medals, but look for complementary accessories to display with your medals can augment your collection. Many medal collectors display their collections in wall-mounted shadowboxes; as you shop for medals, keep your eyes open for these things that you can display alongside them.
Bayonets And Daggers
They can be a challenge to find, especially in decent condition, but you'll appreciate it if you're able to get your hands on a World War II German military bayonet or dagger. These items make effective display pieces alongside a collection of military medals. This is especially true if you're collecting medals from one branch of the military — the Wehrmacht, for example — and can find a bayonet or dagger that was issued to the same military branch. If you're able to find a dagger and its sheath, you can display these two noteworthy pieces separately in your shadowbox.
Belt Buckles
World War II German military belt buckles are another item that you may be able to find as you scour online vendors and army surplus stores. These pieces are interesting because they often have visual interest — with elements such as the German eagle engraved onto them. Each brand of the German military had its own unique belt buckle design, so you can focus your search on finding this accessory that corresponds with the type of medals you're collecting. These, too, you can display in your shadowbox alongside your medal collection.
Badges can also make a perfect collectible item for an historic medal enthusiast such as yourself. Many vendors that have authentic World War II-era medals for sale will frequently also sell badges, so you can find a selection of badges that will suit the medals you're buying — again, perhaps seeking medals and badges from a specific branch of the military. Badges are perfect for displaying in a shadowbox, and you could even display them in a manner that mimics how the medals and badges might appear on an officer's uniform to help give your shadowbox an accurate appearance.
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